Arizona LGBTQ+
& Archives

Preserving The History Since 1967
About Phoenix
Rio Colorado

It's   Traditional   LGBTQ+   Pride   Month    ......    June  6th   Remembering   Richard    Heakin   Tucson    Gay   Hate   Crime   Murder   Victim   ......    June   6th   Remembering   Michael   Despain   Phoenix   Gay   Hate   Crime   Murder   Victim   ......    June   12th   Remembering   Philip   Walsted    Tucson    Gay   Hate   Crime   Murder   Victim  ......   June   15th   Remembering   Gary   Clark   Tucson   Artist   &   LGBTQ+  Activist     ......  Never   Forget   Those   Who  Came   Before   Us   ......   PRIDE   2021    

Tucson Gay Historical Society Colorful Logo

The Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum

is a not for profit historical preservation organization

whose mission is to preserve

Arizona's LGBTQ+ history.


It does this through four regional archives collections.


Each regional archives collection has representative

LGBTQ+ historical archives collections

of their respective and surrounding areas.


The statewide archives collections are as follows:

Southern Arizona Region of Tucson, Arizona

Tucson LGBTQ+ Museum®© Collection,

Central Arizona Region of Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix LGBTQ+ Museum®© Collection,

Northern Arizona Region of Flagstaff, Arizona

Flagstaff LGBTQ+ Museum®© Collection,

Rio Colorado Region of Yuma, Arizona

Yuma LGBTQ+ Museum®© Collection.


Founded in 1967








Privacy Statement




Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum®©

Welcomes Donations Of Digitized And Original  LGBTQ+ Items

Mail Your Gay LGBTQ+ Historical Items & Collections
Along With Your Return Address For Postage Reimbursement To:
Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum
Security Screening Center
1700 E. River Road
Unit 65554

Tucson Arizona 85718

All Items Pass Through Federally Monitored Security Screening Inspection Processes

Testamentary Gifting Bequests 

Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum®©

Welcomes Your Monetary Donations

To Keep The Continued Preservation Efforts Possible.

Make Your Check Payable To The:

Founders Circle Trust
1700 E. River Road

Unit 65554

Tucson Arizona 85718


All images, videos, auditory, documentary, including but not limited to text exhibits are copyrighted and registered by the Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum, Arizona Gay Museum, Arizona Gay Historical Society®©, Arizona LGBTQ+ Historical Society®©, Tucson Gay Historical Society, Arizona Phoenix Tucson Gay LGBTQ+ Museum And Library®©, a.k.a. Phoenix Tucson Gay Museum And Library®©, Phoenix Tucson Gay Museum®©, Southern Arizona Gay LGBTQ+ Museum And Library®©, Phoenix Tucson Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Queer Museum®©, Phoenix Tucson Queer Museum®©, Phoenix Tucson LGBTQ+ Museum®©, Arizona Phoenix Tucson Gay Museum And Library®©, Outwest®©, Gay Phoenix Tucson®©, Around Gay Phoenix Tucson®© and or by third parties. Publication of names, photos, exhibits, manuscripts, artifacts, and or memorabilia of any person or organization in the Arizona LGBTQ+ Museum, Arizona Gay Museum, Arizona LGBTQ+ Historical Society®© is not to be construed as indication of the sexual orientation of such person(s), organization(s), advertisers, or any employees thereof.

All Rights Are Reserved.

Any use or publication of these contents is strictly prohibited without written permission.

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Copyrighted-Registered-All Rights Are Reserved
Preserving Arizona's LGBTQ+ History Since 1967